The Valley itself carries its name according to the Čutkovský stream, which runs through the whole territory from its source under the saddle of Šiprúň at 1320 m a. s. l. to its mouth in the total length of 7.8 km. The upper and middle courses have the character of a mountain stream, in the middle of the valley it changes its gradient and begins to meander. It is subject to atmospheric precipitation, with the average annual precipitation of 1000 mm. It is the most prominent during the spring snow melt from March to May, on the contrary, the least water flows through the watercourse during autumn and winter. One of the dominance of the valley is undoubtedly a small water dam which was built as early as in 1942 for the needs of the Rybárpole plant. At present, the water dam serves mainly for recreational purposes for sports fishermen or cold water swimmers. It is also home to fish such as Salmo trutta morpha fario and Cottus poecilopus. The invisible riches that hide under the slopes of Čutkovská Valley are the sources of groundwater. Suitable conditions for its accumulation and later outflow to the surface create the presence of limestones and dolomites. Inside the valley there are a lot of natural streams of lower intensity as well as the springs in Budkovica and Šimiac, which are used to supply the population with drinking water.
Wetland plant communities can remove excess phosphorus and nitrogen from the water, slow down flood waves, protect the landscape from floods, protect the banks of streams or water bodies from erosion, and they also act as a temperature controller for the landscape. Wetlands are also an irreplaceable element of the natural landscape of the Čutkovská Valley. They are bound mainly to the surroundings of the Čutkovský stream, where they form the so-called marsh type of the wetland system. These habitats are gradually renewed through the water activity also in the localities where they were destroyed by human activity in the past. High biodiversity (the diversity of life forms) can be supported by the presence of a large number of plants and animals that occur here. For example, from plants we can mantion the protected Caltha palustris, Ficaria verna, Cirsium palustre, Dactylorhyza majalis, Calla palustris, Geranium palustre, Mentha longifolia, Petasites hybridus and many others. Among the animals, amphibians, such as Bufo bufo, Rana temporaria, Salamandra salamandra, and reptiles such as Natrix natrix are known to occur in various stages of development.
The lives of our ancestors were not easy. In addition to the year-round field work, the farm keepers had to collect feed, mostly hay, for their farms to get through a long and demanding winter. For a few days or weeks in the year, scythes and rakes became their "dance partners" and the farmers had to work hard with them in their hands. In the Čutkovská valley the farm keepers, many times with their whole families, went to their meadows of Chabzdova, Polianka, Vyšné or Nižné Pálenice, Dedov or Čremošná. If everything went well and the hay was successfully prepared, it was stored in the štál – an old wooden hay shed. They shaped the typical landscape into this harmonious scenery. Before winter, it was necessary to transport the hay to the farmer’s yard. Those who managed to do it before snowfall, transported it in the cars, and the others did it in winter with the help of a krnačky - a hand-drawn sledge or a sledge and cart pulled by a team of horses. Today, we are only marvel at the effort of our ancestors to earn their living. This is also one of the reasons why the meadows in the vicinity of the Čutkovská Valley become overgrown and besides romantic splendor, also the rare species of plants that need a regular regime of mowing have started to disappear.
The inconspicuous but very interesting geological formation nearby is now proof that geological processes shaping the landscape do not have to take tens of millions of years. Travertine, which originates in this locality, by local residents called The Red Rock, is a specific form of limestone resulting from precipitation from cold surface water, with an increased calcium carbonate content. This is the so-called tufa, often made by the contribution of plants. Travertine is found on the Earth's surface in various forms, for example in coatings, in various karst formations, sinters and other forms. Travertine is characterized by a porous structure. The color of the rock is variable depending on the admixtures. It may be from white to light yellow or light grey to violet. Thanks to the geological structure of the Ružomberk district, there are several locations in its territory, where travertine is present in various forms or is created even today. The most well-known localities of the travertine occurrence are Lúčky and Bešeňová. The use of travertine for construction purposes was already recognized by the ancient Romans who used it to build their dominant landmark - the Colosseum.
Dear visitors, a turn-off from the main hiking trail of the educational walkway has brought you to the first waterfall whose beauty has been hidden from many of you until now. It is a waterfall on the right-flow tributary of the Čutkovský stream called the Jelení stream (Deer stream). That is why the waterfall, which is 24 meters high, has the name the Jelení waterfall (Deer Waterfall). According to the expert division, the waterfall is a destructive one, which means that its height and slope decrease during its existence due to the watercourse activity. A lower classification level ranks the waterfall as secondary or subsequent. This type of waterfall is created by the activity of the watercourse which, due to its headward erosion or deepening, reveals the various parts of the bedrock on which waterfalls and notches are created. A process which seems to be complicated is based on a simple principle of various hardness of rocks. Softer rocks, in this case it is limestone, are eroded faster than harder rocks, so there is a waterfall step at the point of their contact. The water level of the Deer Waterfall is dependent on the amount of precipitation or melting snow, and therefore its flow is highest in the spring months, while it is almost dry in the autumn and winter.
There are two waterfalls – the Lower Jamnišný waterfall with the height of 12.1 m, the Higher Jamišný Waterfall with a height of 5.5 m and several cascades along the unnamed stream of the left-hand tributary of the Čutkovský stream in the Jamišná valley. You are standing at the Lower waterfall. It is a destructive waterfall of secondary origin, which had been well hidden from the eyes of the outsiders by the forest veil of beautiful beech trees that smoothly changes into a rainforest in some areas.
The gorge called Za dierou (Behind the Hole) has been created due to the destructive force of the Čutkovský stream, which had found its way through a hard layer of limestone and dolomite, and created a fascinating, almost 50 m long canyon. It has become home of rare mosses and ferns. In the past it was also used for wood transport by the locals.
One of the more poetic stories, which describes the creation of a 50 meter long canyon at the end of the Čutkovská valley, called Behind the rock, tells about the young dashing man Martin and his great love for the beautiful Anička. The story happened during a severe winter, just before the spring, when the young couple intended to get married. Along with his friends, Martin was preparing wood at the end of the valley for the wooden house he wanted to build for himself and Anička. She would bring them food to the forest every day so that they had enough strength to manage everything in time. One day, on her usual way up the Čutkovo, she was attacked and captured by a group of bandits. Anička promised that if they let her go to her fiancée, he would fulfill any condition for her release. The bandits accepted her offer. However, they had a plan on how not to give up Anička, who was such a good cook. So they came along with her to the working men, but as they were heavily outnumbered, they did not put up a fight. Martin listened to the suggestion of the bandits and agreed. The bandits had been scratching their heads to come up with a task that could not be fulfilled. Finally, they noticed a giant rock lying beside the stream. So they told Martin to cut the rock in half if he wanted his fiancée back. The bandits roared with laughter because they thought they would be really amused by Martin’s action. Martin, however, was not only strong but also very smart. He checked the entire rock in detail from all sides until he found a small slit in it. He smiled and began to run around the stream and build a small dam in it. The water behind it began to rise, and from the original watercourse it was directed onto the rock. Then, as if it was navigated by the map, it got exactly into the slit noticed by Martin and began to deepen its path. However, the night came and so almost everyone went to sleep. But the night was so cold in the valley that the water making the path through the rock got frozen and the ice cut through the rock. In the morning, the bandits could not have wondered more about how Martin had done it. In the end, his Anička was free, they took to their heels, and nobody had ever heard of them in the neighborhood. As if they had vanished into thin air through the hole in the rock.